{ "id": "118", "displayName": "Council Bluffs Zoning", "shortDisplayName": null, "description": "

MAPX / Feature Service for Zoning District Features for the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Purpose: To allow specified users in the City of Council Bluffs Community Development Department to view and query features / records related to the Zoning District Boundary process featureclasses & geodatabase tables.

Featureclasses included: CommDev.DBO.ZONING_CB.

Geodatabase tables included: NA.

There are no editable features included in this MAPX / Map Service.

ArcGIS Pro Project (APRX) that contain this MAPX: CommDev_AGOL.

Web Maps that include this feature service: NA.

Web Apps that include this feature service: NA.

For more information regarding this MAPX / Feature Service, contact the City of Council Bluffs GIS Administrator.

Name: Benjamin Lozano.

Email: blozano@councilbluffs-ia.gov / gisadmin@councilbluffs-ia.gov.

Phone: 712-890-5331.

Office: 1 Ezra Jackson Way, Council Bluffs, IA 51503.

", "connectionString": "url=https://services7.arcgis.com/HClvrLZ0A9RUvy20/arcgis/rest/services/ZoningDist_FeatSvc/FeatureServer/0", "copyright": "City of Council Bluffs GIS Department, City of Council Bluffs Community Development Department", "hasAttributionData": false, "serviceType": "Feature", "serviceFunction": "Operational", "baseMapGroup": null, "baseMapGroupIndex": "", "baseMapGroupIsMutuallyExclusive": false, "opacity": 0.6, "visible": false, "initiallyVisible": false, "drawingBehavior": "FeatureLayer", "iconUri": null, "includeInLayerList": false, "defaultAllowSymbolization": true, "isExpanded": true, "updateInterval": null, "dataProvider": null, "disableClientCaching": null, "serviceTag": "uAz9BonAhKw1VaNnIKiXhgIS7ia+bFsxusTfQJbY7IU=", "identifiable": null, "includeMosaicDatasetValues": null, "includeCatalogItems": null, "includeInLegend": null, "startTime": null, "endTime": null, "serverVersion": "11.2", "failureAction": "Warn", "failureTimeout": null, "requestEncoding": null, "supportsDynamicLayers": false, "hasLayerCatalog": false, "autoSave": null, "color": null, "geometry": null, "objectIds": null, "onDemandCacheSize": null, "outFields": "*", "queryMode": "OnDemand", "tileHeight": null, "tileWidth": null, "selectionColor": null, "where": null, "editVerticesEnabled": true, "moveEnabled": true, "rotateEnabled": true, "scaleEnabled": true, "themeSettings": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "tileInfo": {}, "instantSearch": false, "layers": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Council Bluffs Zoning", "nativeID": "0", "displayName": "Council Bluffs Zoning", "description": "Polygon featureclass containing “Zoning District Boundary” features for the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa. ZONING_CB is intended for use with ArcGIS Web Applications & Desktop Applications. This featureclass contains the following SQL Triggers: Source: CommDev.dbo.a12. Affected Tables: *.dbo.FCID_VALUES (select / update), *.dbo.a12 (insert). This featureclass does not participate in any relationship classes. Associated SQL Tables: CommDev.dbo.ZONING_CB, *.dbo.a12, *.dbo.D12, *.dbo.i12. Associated SQL Views: CommDev.dbo.ZONING_CB_evw.", "defaultVisibility": true, "featureType": "Polygon", "type": "DynamicFeatureLayer", "maxScale": 0, "minScale": 144449, "visible": false, "initiallyVisible": false, "showMapTips": true, "identifiable": true, "queryable": true, "searchable": false, "supportsIdentify": true, "supportsQuery": true, "canCopyFeature": true, "snappable": true, "snappingEnabled": true, "hasAttachments": false, "featureZoomFactor": null, "featureZoomScale": null, "featureBorderColor": null, "featureBorderWidth": null, "featureFillColor": null, "showFeatureHyperlinks": "ShowAll", "iconUri": null, "includeInLayerList": true, "includeInLegend": true, "allowSymbolization": true, "legendUrl": null, "styleName": null, "drawIndex": null, "canToggleLabels": false, "showLabels": true, "dataProvider": null, "featureLabel": "{Zoning}", "featureDescription": null, "featureLongDescription": null, "displayField": "Zoning", "primaryKeyField": "OBJECTID", "fullExtent": { "xmin": -10678879.636833513, "ymin": 5036645.5291312207, "xmax": -10658636.296870794, "ymax": 5055590.4242819874, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100 } }, "parentLayerId": null, "subLayerIds": [], "hasReports": false, "hasDataLinks": false, "fields": [ { "displayName": "OBJECTID", "name": "OBJECTID", "alias": "OBJECTID", "visible": true, "dataType": "Int32", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "GlobalID", "name": "GlobalID", "alias": "GlobalID", "visible": true, "dataType": "Guid", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "FC_ID", "name": "FC_ID", "alias": "FC_ID", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "ZONING", "name": "Zoning", "alias": "ZONING", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "DESCRIPTION", "name": "Description", "alias": "DESCRIPTION", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "MUNICODE LINK", "name": "MC_LINK", "alias": "MUNICODE LINK", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "OrdinanceNo", "name": "OrdinanceNo", "alias": "OrdinanceNo", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "OrdinanceDate", "name": "OrdinanceDate", "alias": "OrdinanceDate", "visible": true, "dataType": "DateTime", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "NOTES", "name": "NOTES", "alias": "NOTES", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "last_edited_date", "name": "last_edited_date", "alias": "last_edited_date", "visible": true, "dataType": "DateTime", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "created_user", "name": "created_user", "alias": "created_user", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "created_date", "name": "created_date", "alias": "created_date", "visible": true, "dataType": "DateTime", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "last_edited_user", "name": "last_edited_user", "alias": "last_edited_user", "visible": true, "dataType": "String", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "Shape__Area", "name": "Shape__Area", "alias": "Shape__Area", "visible": true, "dataType": "Double", "searchable": true }, { "displayName": "Shape__Length", "name": "Shape__Length", "alias": "Shape__Length", "visible": true, "dataType": "Double", "searchable": true } ], "featureHyperlinks": [], "layerHyperlinks": [], "arcadeExpressions": [], "isDynamic": false, "dynamicDefinition": null, "themeSettings": [], "tileLevelLimits": [] } ], "tables": [], "fullExtent": { "xmin": 972711.503542304, "ymin": 433597.660195887, "xmax": 1021530.149343133, "ymax": 478935.36282739037, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102676 } }, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102676 }, "properties": [], "extensions": [] }