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\r\nOwner: {OWNER}
\r\nSubdivision: {SUBDIV}
\r\nBlock: {block} Lot: {lot}
", "featureLongDescription": "PIN: {TAXPIN}MAPX / Feature Service for Planned District Overlay Features for the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Purpose: To allow specified users in the City of Council Bluffs Community Development Department to view and query features / records related to the Overlay District process featureclasses & geodatabase tables.
Featureclasses included: CommDev.DBO.OVERLAY_DISTRICTS.
Geodatabase tables included: NA.
There are no editable features included in this MAPX / Feature Service.
ArcGIS Pro Project (APRX) that contain this MAPX: AGOL_CommDev.
Web Maps that include this feature service: NA.
Web Apps that include this feature service: NA.
Polygon featureclass containing “Overlay District\" features for the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
OVERLAY_DISTRICT is intended for use with ArcGIS Web Applications & Desktop Applications.
This featureclass does not contain SQL Triggers.
This featureclass does not participate in any relationship classes.
Associated SQL Tables: CommDev.dbo.OVERLAY_DISTRICT, *.dbo.a13, *.dbo.D13, *.dbo.i13.
Associated SQL Views: CommDev.dbo.OVERLAY_DISTRICT_evw.
MAPX / Feature Service for Zoning District Features for the City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Purpose: To allow specified users in the City of Council Bluffs Community Development Department to view and query features / records related to the Zoning District Boundary process featureclasses & geodatabase tables.
Featureclasses included: CommDev.DBO.ZONING_CB.
Geodatabase tables included: NA.
There are no editable features included in this MAPX / Map Service.
ArcGIS Pro Project (APRX) that contain this MAPX: CommDev_AGOL.
Web Maps that include this feature service: NA.
Web Apps that include this feature service: NA.
For more information regarding this MAPX / Feature Service, contact the City of Council Bluffs GIS Administrator.
Name: Benjamin Lozano.
Email: blozano@councilbluffs-ia.gov / gisadmin@councilbluffs-ia.gov.
Phone: 712-890-5331.
Office: 1 Ezra Jackson Way, Council Bluffs, IA 51503.
This is a dataset containing Politcal Boundaries for Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
This is a dataset containing Politcal Boundaries for Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
Imagery 2018 - Pottawattamie County, IA
Imagery 2016 - Pottawattamie County, Iowa
Imagery 2013 - Pottawattamie County, Iowa
Imagery 2011 - Pottawattamie County, Iowa
Imagery 2004 - Pottawattamie County, Iowa