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Easting: {EASTING}

Book: {Book}

Page: {Page}

Recorded Date: {DateRecorded}\r\n

Surveyor: {SURVEYOR}


\r\nDocument Link\r\nPhoto Looking N\r\nPhoto Looking E\r\nPhoto Looking S\r\nPhoto Looking W\r\n

Click \"Additional Details\" below to see Certificate and Photo.

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Northing: {NORTHING}\r\n

Easting: {EASTING}

Book: {Book}

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Recorded Date: {DateRecorded}\r\n

Surveyor: {SURVEYOR}


\r\nDocument Link\r\nPhoto Looking N\r\nPhoto Looking E\r\nPhoto Looking S\r\nPhoto Looking W\r\n

Click \"Additional Details\" below to see Certificate and Photo.

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Document Link
", "featureLongDescription": "
The completeness of this digital index is unknown. The images are scanned photocopies of the Corner Recovery Tie filing cabinet in the Secondary Roads document room. Physical records are available at Secondary Roads.

Document Link
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